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Maggie Love
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The Angel and The Amazing Life of Maggie Love

”When I took this assignment, I knew Maggie had killed 20 people. I knew that and little else. Yes, I am an Angel, although we prefer to be called Inspectors simply because that’s what we do. We inspect a recently deceased person’s soul. As I examined her life, some of it began to make sense. But still, how do you justify 20 murders? If you read this journal, you can decide for yourself if her soul should be saved. And I promise you one thing, everything written down here is true.”

                                                       —Inspector Lawrence (Chief Inspector of Souls)


Maggie Love is an enigma.
She has at least 12 aliases. Is Maggie Love even her real name?
She freely admits to murdering people—at least to those who care.
We shouldn’t root for her—but we do. Just like her angel inspector.


“C. R. Fabis outdoes himself in his second novel. The mystery isn’t about “who dunnit” but about whether or not Maggie’s soul can be saved.”     —M. C.

“By all accounts, it’s brilliant. It’s worth every second you spend reading.” —Z. W. S.

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“Sherrie said, ‘Let me get this straight. We are going to let a girl  from Ancient Rome that just saw a car for the first time today,  drive us?’ ”

—Excerpt from Rome Never Fell      


Astrophysicists major and full-time nerd Henry Garfield is busily studying the earth’s electromagnetic field in an attempt to save money on his electric bill.

One of his experiments goes south, but he soon discovers that he actually

shot himself two minutes back in time.


– A science experiment gone wrong.

– A gorgeous, fledging historian needs some help.

– Will the nerdy scientist finally get his wish?


While he is perfecting his discovery, he meets classical studies major and inspiring historian, Sherrie Melbourne. Henry lets the gorgeous Sherrie in on his secret. She quickly figures out that Henry can help her with a major problem. She convinces Henry to go back in time to one of the most amazing periods in human history—the birth of the Roman Empire. Henry has reservations, but he has his own designs on history.


Rome Never Fell takes the reader on a fantastical journey through ancient Rome, meeting some of the most infamous characters in all of history. While it seems as though Henry and his beautiful companions have single-handedly averted cataclysmic catastrophes, the reader may be surprised at what the present actually holds.

Hugo House


Rome Never Fell and The Angel and the Amazing Live of Maggie Love is published by Hugo House Publishers.


The Hugo House mission is to publish books that uplift the culture by promoting sanity on this planet. Many of our books win awards because we produce high-quality books that create the positive effects our authors desire. Authors want to sell books.​

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